Lakeside Patio & Retaining Wall

The function of this project was to capitalize on the lake view, while creating a nice entertainment area that still had privacy. Another main function of the patio being built lower was so they could also have some protection from the elements, when it's really windy out they still wanted to be able to enjoy the outdoor space.

We worked with our clients to build a patio surrounded by beautifully modern, smooth-face block retaining walls with off white accent lines to add a bit of depth and interest to the walls that serve multiple purposes to:

  • Provide protection from the elements, mainly to the wind

  • Work with the elevation & function of the back of the home during and after their remodel

  • Create a stunning lake view

Landscape Enhancements works with many design styles from modern to traditional. Our goal is to incorporate your personal style & make that vision come to life so your family can enjoy your outdoor space for many years to come.

landscape enhancements northfield lakeside landscaping patio

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In-Ground Pool With A View